PV-integrated electric mobility applications

Expected Outcome: Photovoltaic power generation is pivotal to a clean energy system and the achievement of the net zero-emissions target. To this end, it is important to enhance affordability, sustainability and exploit the modularity and synergies of application of PV technologies. Consequently, pr... Read more


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Kibrit Creative Solutions

https://www.kibrit.com.tr/foldable-solar-panel-solutions/ FOLDABLE SOLAR PANEL The idea came up from sustainable green future where we can replace Pergola System which used mostly at coffee shop. AESTHETICS, ARCHITECTURE and ENGINEERING TOGETHER In order to obtain energy, which is indispensable today, from natural resources and to leave a clean mark on the future. We merged Aesthetics, Architect

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 04 Nov 2023

Email: Not Found

Paula Anghelita

ICPE-CA, was established in 2004 as research organization to continue the tradition of excellence that has its roots in its foundation 72 years ago. The field of renewable energy sources (RES) has been evolving since 1975. Starting with feasibility studies on power plants investments, ICPE-CA has developed a range of PV systems research and services:PV systems and modules characterization, certified PV panels tests (I-V curve), electroluminescence, thermographic inspection, PV plants assistance

Organization Type: Not Found

Country: Not Found

Request Date: 04 Jan 2023

Email: Not Found


INAVITAS is a company specialized in the production of monitoring, reporting, and control systems for energy quality and efficiency. Moreover, it has the capability to establish advanced grid integration and support functions for electric vehicle charging stations through its charging station control software platform, enabling PV integration. This capability allows INAVITAS to play a significant role in the development of electric charging stations and advanced grid integration.

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 11 Jul 2023

Email: Not Found


START ROMAGNA is the public transport company of the Romagna region, in Italy, managing a fleet of 585 buses and two ferries in the port of Ravenna. It aims at pursuing a safe and sustainable mobility and at accelerating the energy transition, thus aspiring to invest in less polluting fuels and vehicles. The organization can be the perfect partner for the implementation of pilot actions and technical trials. For cooperations: federica.mazzanti@resolve-consulenza.it

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Italy

Request Date: 11 Jul 2023

Email: federica.mazzanti@resolve-consulenza.it


King Danylo University is a young (founded in 1997) university headquartered in Ivano-Frankivsk (western part of Ukraine). Number of our students is 3200+ with 210 academic staff. King Danylo University offers education at three possible levels (Bachelor, Master and PhD) at the different thematic areas - engineering, humanities, law etc. We are willing to become a partner for this call for projects. Please, contact maksym.karpash@ukd.edu.ua for more information

Organization Type: Higher or secondary education establishment

Country: Ukraine

Request Date: 19 May 2023

Email: maksym.karpash@ukd.edu.ua


Eletoyia, a Cyprus SME, is an energetic player in the fast-paced, evolving domain of technology and energy solutions, specializing not only in photovoltaic systems but also in the development of advanced algorithm design and development, machine learning, and AI capabilities. Our software development team is versed in cutting-edge technologies, integrating intelligent systems into our range of products and services.

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Cyprus

Request Date: 26 Jun 2023

Email: Not Found


We are a startup in Izmir, Turkey, Our core activity is around development of software platforms for electric mobility and smart cities applications .Thanks to a project we started recently with the electricity distribution company in our city, we are improving the real-time monitoring and load balancing of the grid serving electric charging stations. In this regard we would like to engage in this program. In this regard do not hesitate to contact us through e.durmaz@rateltech.com

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 30 Jun 2023

Email: e.durmaz@rateltech.com

Zeus Consulting IKE

ZEUS CONSULTING is a private consulting company based in Greece, with a long history of participation in Horizon2020 programmes. We have special expertise and exceptional experience in the implementation & high quality technical support of EU programs and initiatives in scientific research areas such as IoT, AI, Blockchain Technology, e-Governance, Knowledge Management Systems, e-Platforms, Cloud computing, Cyber-security and Safety of ICT Systems etc. Contact us at info@zeusconsulting.com

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Greece

Request Date: 23 Dec 2022

Email: info@zeusconsulting.com


Maglab - Sensors and magnetics laboratory, Magnetic sensors (eddy-current, magnetoresistors, fluxgate), gradiometers, Characterization of magnetic materials, design of magnetic devices, electric current sensors, position sensors, magnetic navigation, space magnetometers, instrumentation.research and development experience participated in several EU projects + contracts for security industry and geophysics. Contact: ripka@fel.cvut.cz, https://maglab.fel.cz, Czech Technical University in Prague

Organization Type: Higher or secondary education establishment

Country: Czechia

Request Date: 12 Dec 2022

Email: ripka@fel.cvut.cz


INTERSPREAD is an experienced dissemination, exploitation and communication partner for your project. Following the DEC guidelines provided by the EC, our creatives design recognisable project identities, leaflets and individual print materials, as well as project websites and digital banners for your social media channels thus maximising your projects’ impact. Awareness hubs or web platforms are implemented by our skilled developers. Email: dec@interspread.com Profile: http://bit.ly/interspread

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Austria

Request Date: 03 Jul 2023

Email: dec@interspread.com


SYNYO is a reliable partner for your project with profound experience (SME with >45 projects in FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe / related projects: CATCHER, sEEnergies, INDUCE, GEAR@SME). Our interdisciplinary team consisting of researchers, data analysts, software developers and creatives is ready to deliver high-impact results regarding research activities, concept design, solution development, validation, dissemination, exploitation and coordination support. E-mail: horizon@synyo.com

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Austria

Request Date: 08 Feb 2023

Email: horizon@synyo.com


Serving with 1500+ CPs and 2600+ sockets (AC&DC sockets) in all provinces of Turkey today and besides traditional charging station installation and operation processes, ZES also aims to user satisfaction with the implementation of new technologies and services. As CPO&EMSP, ZES is trying to participate in R&D studies and continues to work on the eCharge4Drivers project (H2020) which is focusing on interoperable charging infrastructure and services. We can take an active role in demonstrations.

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 10 Jan 2023

Email: Not Found


OEDAS is one of the biggest Distribution Companies with nearly 2 million customers and 6.2 TWh of distributed energy in Turkey. As OEDAS, we are responsible for 5 cities in Turkey, with a variety of network structures, customer types, and energy consumption profiles. OEDAS also continues to carry out several R&D projects (4 EU funded, 20+ national-funded projects) in order to solve the existing grid problems and be ready for future scenarios. We can take active roles in demonstration activities.

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 10 Jan 2023

Email: Not Found


Roman Municipality is situated in the NE part of Romania. It is a medium-sized city with 65.000 inhabitants. Roman Municipality is interested in attracting non-reimbursable EU funding during the 2021-2027 period over 100 million for sustainable development projects. The municipality is interested in becoming a project partner under this call bringing forward its significant EU projects' expertise. Please contact me at nadia.circu@primariaroman.ro

Organization Type: Public organisation

Country: Romania

Request Date: 05 Jun 2023

Email: nadia.circu@primariaroman.ro

Flow Analysis and Simulation Team

Flow Analysis and Simulation Team is an experienced project partner with a skilled team of researchers, engineers, developers that offers efficient research and consulting services in many aspects of Fluid Flow, Hydraulics and Convective Heat Transfer, that include Magnetohydrodynamics, Turbomachinery, Bioengineering, Thermal Analysis, Turbulence, Multiphase Flow, Industrial and Environmental Applications and Fluid-Structure Interaction. www: fluids.uniwa.gr, tel. +306941672950, sarris@uniwa.gr

Organization Type: Higher or secondary education establishment

Country: Greece

Request Date: 10 Jan 2023

Email: sarris@uniwa.gr


INELSO is an SME company based in Antalya/Turkey working in the energy sector. Our core activity is around SCADA systems for High, Medium, and Low voltage AC/DC hybrid systems, remote monitoring and energy management, IoT, software tools and platform development, artificial intelligence methods, integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, big data and analytics, energy efficiency. Do not hesitate to visit https://inelsoenergy.com and contact us at farzaneh.bagheri@inelsoenergy.com.

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 31 Mar 2023

Email: farzaneh.bagheri@inelsoenergy.com


M&S is an experienced project partner with a skilled team of researchers, engineers, developers and creatives offering APPLIED RESEARCH: Stakeholder Analysis, User Surveys, Requirements Engineering. DEVELOPMENT: Conception, Web Applications, Interface Design, Data Visualization, Piloting, Validation. DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION: Websites, Communication, Innovation and Technology Marketing, Solution Assessments, Market Analysis, Exploitation Planning. OUR PROFILE: http://bit.ly/mindsandsparks

Organization Type: Research Organisation

Country: Austria

Request Date: 11 Jan 2023

Email: Not Found


Tech2Market is a very dynamic and experienced company, especially in EU projects. We can help as a member of consortium in the following activities within project: - dissemination/communication - exploitation (market analysis, business plan).If only you need a partner for above mentioned actions - don't hesitate to contact with us on ssara@tech2market.pl.

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Poland

Request Date: 09 Jan 2023

Email: ssara@tech2market.pl

ACCENT PRO 2000 s.r.l.

R&D private SME (www.accent.ro ) founded in 2000 involved in various FP7 & H2020 projects (HECTOR, XCting, MUMMERING, CIL2018, SafeHpower, ChipCheck, AutoInspect, PlastronicsSpec, DCXScan, etc.) with expertise in projects management, design and manufacture industrial and security X-ray Imaging systems, 2D&3D X-ray Tomography, Additive manufacturing real-time control, PV systems, Non-destructive Testing, Marie-Curie program (XCting, MUMMERING). office@accent.ro

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Romania

Request Date: 07 Jan 2023

Email: office@accent.ro


Etrel (www.etrel.com) designs, develops and manufactures electric vehicle AC charging stations and a back-end suite for management of e-mobility related business processes, both providing enhanced interaction with the users and remote monitoring and control of charging process. The system enables integration of EV charging with Smart Grid/Home/Building/City/Community and with load flexibility markets (demand response). Feel free to contact: jure.ratej@etrel.si

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Slovenia

Request Date: 30 Mar 2023

Email: jure.ratej@etrel.si


The Association of Municipalities of l'Horta Sur is located in the west and south of the metropolitan area of Valencia (Spain) and includes 21 municipalities. It has a population of more than 445,000 inhabitants and a territory of 309 km². We already have experience in European projects, and we are looking to collaborate in projects regarding urban mobility and bike lanes. In case of interest, please contact us at: juan.viesca@finnova.eu

Organization Type: Other

Country: Belgium

Request Date: 10 May 2023

Email: juan.viesca@finnova.eu


Finnova is a European foundation based in Brussels specialised in dissemination, exploitation, communication and also promoting and increasing impact of Horizon Europe results and outputs. We organise high impact events such as Accelerathons, Hackathons, the Startup Europe Awards with the EC,… We are experienced in Horizon Europe projects. In case of interest, please contact us at: juan.viesca@finnova.eu, www.finnova.eu

Organization Type: Other

Country: Belgium

Request Date: 02 Jan 2023

Email: juan.viesca@finnova.eu


Empowering excellence. Unlocking research potential. With over 200 successfully submitted intl R&I proposals plus support of over 175 EU-funded projects, GG has a substantial network of partners in the CE region and expertise in these relevant areas: alternative financing for innovation, dissemination & communication of results, EU policy analysis, innovation stakeholder contacts in the CE region, proposal development, and Structural Funds implementation & program evaluation.

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Czechia

Request Date: 30 May 2023

Email: Not Found


Our expertise is: 1) Capacity buidling in innovative methodologies (Theory of System Change, Design Thinking, Service Design etc) 2) We support your dissemination so that your actions lead to a more substantial, systemic impact that is easy to understand. 3) We design, organize and execute workshops with participatory processes, ideal for use in kick off meetings, partners meetings with diverse background or meetings with representatives of organizations with a non-scientific background.

Organization Type: Non-governmental organization

Country: Greece

Request Date: 16 May 2023

Email: Not Found


The most effective way to include standards and standardization in your research project is to bring a National Standardization Body as part of your research project. Having more than 7 years of experience in European Projects and covering both electro-technical and non-electro-technical areas, the Romanian Standards Association - ASRO is managing standardization activities and information in the field of standards and standardization. You can find out more at mihaela.pitu@ asro.ro; www.asro.ro.

Organization Type: Non-governmental organization

Country: Romania

Request Date: 02 Feb 2023

Email: Not Found


Mislata is a municipality with a population of 44,320 in an area of 2.1km2 which makes it the second highest population density in Europe. As proof of this, Mislata City Council has implemented or is developing projects and plans that have affected the areas of renewable energy, sustainable development, digitalisation of the integral water cycle, energy efficiency and sustainable development. For more information please contact: avila@mislata.es

Organization Type: Public organisation

Country: Spain

Request Date: 17 Jan 2023

Email: avila@mislata.es

Kibrit Creative Solutions

it is the solution that fold-able solar panel where it may place on top of Coffee Shop, Traditional coffee-shop has SUNBLOCK SYSTEMS which known as pergola system which does not produce any electricity energy from sun. our Sun protection solution has 20-150 cm solar panel which is foldable/slideble. we also had a small simulation in order to present system. we'd like to make it real in order to use sun power much more for green future. for more huseyindurak@kibrit.com.tr

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 22 Jan 2023

Email: huseyindurak@kibrit.com.tr

Dr. Antonija Bogadi

My colleagues from SYNYO and I are experienced project partners offering services within applied research, development and dissemination/exploitation/communication. As a Senior Researcher at SYNYO (45+ projects in FP7, H2020, HORIZON) I am interested in joining a strong consortium for this call. My preferred research fields are climate and urban transition, nature based solutions, environmental governance, climate and urban transition, climate resilience research, and energy efficiency.

Organization Type: Not Found

Country: Austria

Request Date: 10 Feb 2023

Email: Not Found


GreenFlux is the developer of a charge station management software platform used by charge point operators (CPO's) and eMobility Service Providers (eMSP's). Using this platform, organisations can manage their charge stations and charge cards efficiently, especially in large numbers, while improving the service towards their end-users. An important component is smart charging, or in other words, taking the impact of charging on the electricity grid into account as good as possible.

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Netherlands

Request Date: 14 Apr 2023

Email: Not Found


Battronics (PL, DE, CH) is a technical and market consulting company in the field of renewable energy, keeping track of battery innovation and market dynamics. We are interested in collaborating on this project, leveraging our experience and knowledge in energy storage, MaaS, sustainability, circularity, battery aging, battery life extension, database, market & cost analysis, critical raw material, supply chain, and IPR.

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Poland

Request Date: 21 Sep 2023

Email: Not Found


IDL is a French Design & Research studio that focuses on E-learning, Gamification, UX Design, Citizen Science, AR/VR, Big Data, NLP, Computer Vision & Machine Listening. You can contact us at proposals@infinitivitydesignlabs.com. We welcome collaborations.

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: France

Request Date: 17 Apr 2023

Email: proposals@infinitivitydesignlabs.com

Kayseri ve Civari Elektrik Türk Anonim Sirketi

KCETAS has roughly 100-year of experience in electricity distribution systems with a million consumer and 500 MW distributed energy resources. With PV power plants and rasing number of EV charging facilities we are ready to solve grid related problems. Also the grid integration of new power plants, Energy Storage Systems, EVs and Demand Side Management senarios are main topics to work on. We are ready to take new responsibilities on demonstration activities and pilot projects.

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 24 Aug 2023

Email: Not Found


The Municipality of Pomarico is a public organization of 4000 inhabitants located 27 km from Matera which was the European Capital of Culture in 2019. The Municipality of Pomarico intends to collaborate for the presentation of innovative and useful projects for social, civil and economic progress of the territory.

Organization Type: Public organisation

Country: Italy

Request Date: 11 Dec 2022

Email: Not Found


Wonderland is a european network of architects and urban planners. we believe that for this call mobility concepts and participative creation methods will be very relevant. contact us, if you want to highlight the spatial aspects in your project. contact: blinddate@wonderland.cx

Organization Type: Non-governmental organization

Country: Austria

Request Date: 24 Jan 2023

Email: blinddate@wonderland.cx


ZTM (Public Transport Authority, https://www.ztm.waw.pl/en/ organizes, manages and supervises public transport in Poland’s capital city– Warsaw. We are also responsible for ticketing system, fare collection and P+R infrastructure. We contract Operators (PTOs) who own the fleet. We are interested in becoming a partner, offering knowledge exchange, insight into Warsaw PT system, our specific challenges as well as testing solutions that could help us address them. Contact: m.trzaskowska@ztm.waw.pl

Organization Type: Public organisation

Country: Poland

Request Date: 17 Aug 2023

Email: m.trzaskowska@ztm.waw.pl


FICO TRIAD part of FICOSA Group, is an automotive TIER 1 supplier with experience of more than 10 years developing and manufacturing cutting edge electromobility components. These include BMSs, JBOXes, Power Converters and Fuel Cell Systems. FICOSA integrates all development phases since concept until validation and manufacture and is willing to join consortiums either as partner or end user. Contact: subvenciones_ficoelectronics@ficosa.com

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Spain

Request Date: 06 Feb 2023

Email: subvenciones_ficoelectronics@ficosa.com


Hi! At OIKOPLUS we specialise in communicating R&I. Our services include: websites, stakeholder involvement workshops, SM & Email Campaigns, short films, newsletters, etc. We also organise policy roadshows, etc. We offer communications training. Our goal is to make visible results and findings and boost the uptake of novel solutions and tools. All our offers are tailored to the needs of the project. References: https://oikoplus.com/projects/ We look forward to working with you!

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Austria

Request Date: 06 Feb 2023

Email: Not Found

Solutions4Impact GmbH

Solutions4Impact GmbH is a research-oriented consultancy company with focus on evaluating sustainability solutions and LCAs of batteries. Our engineers and legal experts provide competencies in the sustainability assessment of mobility services incl. methodologies (life-cycle-costing, -assessment, user surveys, interviews). We are experienced in implementing mobility concepts and charging infrastructure regarding to shared micromobility and photovoltaic systems. info@solutions4impact.eu

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Germany

Request Date: 22 Apr 2023

Email: info@solutions4impact.eu


R&D performing SME founded in 1991, leading ICT/IoT integrator in Romania for DSO/TSO/RES/cities with offices in Austria and Belgium. BEIA is ISO certified with experience in coordinating & participating in over 60 R&D Innovation projects (Horizon, Eureka, ERA-Net, etc.) on green energy/environment/mobility (Hydro3D, 4D Hydrogen, BLOW, EV-BAT, FinSesCo, SealedGrid, TESTBED2, MobiWay, POLDER, AISTOR, Power2SME, SPICECO, CitiSim, CREATE, PLENTY-LIFE, FOR-FREIGHT, etc.) george@beia.eu / www.beia.eu

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Romania

Request Date: 11 Jul 2023

Email: george@beia.eu


Eilat’s leadership in energy efficiency, where 100% of daytime electricity comes from renewable sources, and its inclusion in the 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, highlights its commitment to sustainability and innovation. We propose Eilat as a demo site to test the project’s results. Eilat's unique desert climate, ecosystem assets, remote and isolated location and energy efficiency leadership make it an ideal pilot city.

Organization Type: Public organisation

Country: Israel

Request Date: 18 Sep 2023

Email: Not Found


URBENER is a stakeholder and retailer. We participate in different Horizon projects by providing pilot plants in which data collection is done. We have energy flexibility management software, blockchain and contact with Spanish TSOs and DSOs. We offer a highly qualified technical team for algorithm creation and data architecture. Urbener works with producers and consumers of renewable energy in Spain. Do not hesitate to contact us: lucia.garin@urbener.com

Organization Type: Private for profit organisation

Country: Spain

Request Date: 17 Oct 2023

Email: lucia.garin@urbener.com


Notitia Ltd is specialized in numerous fields, especially in implementation of EU, scientific and strategic projects. Notitia gathers scientists and experts from numerous fields, and can adjust to any project topic - tourism, sustainable development, climate and environment protection, artificial intelligence etc. Notitia is interested in joining projects as project partner, as well as lead partner if necessary. Contact us for more information: matija.pucek@notitia.hr

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Croatia

Request Date: 23 Oct 2023

Email: matija.pucek@notitia.hr


SIMAVI is a software SME with experience in: AI, Big Data&Analytics, IoT platforms, Integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions, Heatmaps & Dashboards, EIIS-Energy Integrated Information System, SIEM, Architectures for DSOs, eTraining, XR, Integration. Strong experience in over 60 Horizon projects (coordinator, technology partner & pilots in Romania with DSOs/TSOs, Hydropower plants, Buildings, Industry, Cities & PAs): https://www.simavi.ro/en/rd-projects; e-mail:monica.florea@simavi.ro.

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Romania

Request Date: 06 Nov 2023

Email: monica.florea@simavi.ro

Dr. Antonija Bogadi

I'm a Senior Researcher at SYNYO, a leading research company in Austria. We are interested in collaborating with a strong consortium for this call. My team and I have a proven track record of success in 70+ projects in FP7, H2020, and HORIZON programs. We can contribute to research on this topic, dissemination, exploitation, and communication strategies and plans, training curricula and platforms, digital tools and advisors, and open information hubs. Please email me at antonija.bogadi@synyo.com

Organization Type: Not Found

Country: Austria

Request Date: 07 Nov 2023

Email: antonija.bogadi@synyo.com


We solve nonstandard problems, create new products and carry out international scientific research and industrial contracts in power electronics, motion control, logistics of mechatronic systems, electric transport, energy-efficient multifunctional energy converters and their control systems, smart transport systems and their control, smart electric technologies and energy-efficient automatisation of industrial processes. prof.Apse-Apsitis: peteris.apse-apsitis@rtu.lv

Organization Type: Higher or secondary education establishment

Country: Latvia

Request Date: 22 Nov 2023

Email: peteris.apse-apsitis@rtu.lv


Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics has electric engineering and automation research team, focused on performing high quality research in electric energy producing by using conventional and alternative energy sources, high and low voltage energy transforming, supplying, and utilizing. Our unit has vast experience in study and optimization of hybrid energy sources as well as development of electronic devices for power and control applications.

Organization Type: Higher or secondary education establishment

Country: Ukraine

Request Date: 29 Nov 2023

Email: Not Found


We are a leading company and a reference in the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructures. We advise companies and public administrations in their electric mobility strategy, from its definition to its execution, covering all phases of the project. More than 10 years of experience in electric mobility projects, from cars, trucks or boats. https://evectra.com/ If you have an idea and you want to carry it out,we are a SME and your best partner based in Spain

Organization Type: Not Found

Country: Spain

Request Date: 28 Nov 2023

Email: Not Found


EcoVibes is a dynamically growing consulting firm specialized in supporting companies and public bodies to measure, understand and manage the environmental impact of their products, services and operations. Through up-to-date tools and customized solutions, we focus on sustainability analysis and reporting (Integrated LCA, s-LCA, LCC, CFP, EPD, PEF, ESG, SBTi) towards a circular and net-zero future. For inquiries, contact us at info@ecovibes.gr More information at https://ecovibes.gr/en

Organization Type: Other

Country: Greece

Request Date: 01 Dec 2023

Email: info@ecovibes.gr

Robosoft Kontrol ve Bilisim Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti.

Robosoft®, a leader in IT, specializes in Industry 4.0-driven reporting systems for various sectors, especially renewable energy. Our SCADA apps, compatible across platforms, use cutting-edge tech for efficient operations. As a Microsoft® partner, we ensure quality and innovation. Committed to sustainability, we digitalize renewable energy systems in line with Industry 4.0. RBS Report® excels in data collection for informed decisions. Our business intelligence tools provide predictive analytics

Organization Type: Other

Country: Türkiye

Request Date: 30 Nov 2023

Email: Not Found


Zentrix stands as a pioneer in integrating blockchain for traceability across diverse applications, including the critical tracking of raw materials, food supply chains, energy, chemicals, etc. With our product passport systems, we facilitate transparent life-cycle information, ensuring product histories are accessible and verifiable. We lead dissemination and contribute to drafting on each project with 40% sucess rate 22/23.

Organization Type: Small or medium-size enterprise

Country: Serbia

Request Date: 11 Dec 2023

Email: Not Found
